Selasa, 31 Maret 2015

Cultural Article

Nama : Ayu Fitriani Widyastuti
Kelas  : 4SA01
NPM.  : 11611323

Artikel Kebudayaan

Atraksi Debus

Atraksi yang sangat berbahaya yang biasa kita kenal dengan sebutan Debus, Konon kesenian bela diri debus berasal dari daerah al Madad. Semakin lama seni bela diri ini makin berkembang dan tumbuh besar disemua kalangan masyarakat banten sebagai seni hiburan untuk masyarakat. Inti pertunjukan masih sangat kental gerakan silat atau beladiri dan penggunaan senjata. Kesenian debus banten ini banyak menggunakan dan memfokuskan di kekebalan seseorang pemain terhadap serangan benda tajam, dan semacam senjata tajam ini disebut dengan debus.
Kesenian ini tumbuh dan berkembang sejak ratusan tahun yang lalu, bersamaan dengan berkembangnya agama islam di Banten. Pada awalna kesenian ini mempunyai fungsi sebagai penyebaran agama, namun pada masa penjajahan belanda dan pada saat pemerintahan Sultan Agung Tirtayasa. Seni beladiri ini digunakan untuk membangkitkan semangat pejuang dan rakyat banten melawan penjajahan yang dilakukan belanda. Karena pada saat itu kekuatan sangat tidak berimbang, belanda yang mempunyai senjata yang sangat lengkap dan canggih. Terus mendesak pejuang dan rakyat banten, satu satunya senjata yang mereka punya tidak lain adalah warisan leluhur yaitu seni beladiri debus.

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Debus Attraction

Attractions are very dangerous what we are familiar with the term Debus, Debus said the martial arts came from the al Madad. The longer the martial arts is growing and growing up in all societies Banten as the art of entertainment to the Public.The show is still very strong core martial arts or self-defense movements and use of weapons. Debus arts offerings are widely used and focus on a person's immunity to attack players sharps, and a kind of sharp weapon is called the Debus.
This art grown and evolved since hundreds of years ago, along with the development of Islamic religion in Banten. In a begin this art has a function as the spread of religion, but in Dutch colonization and despair during the reign of Sultan Agung Tirtayasa. This martial art is used to evoke the spirit of fighters and the people who made offerings against Dutch colonialism. Because at that time the power is very uneven, the Dutch who have guns are very complete and sophisticated.
Continues to urge the fighters and the people's offerings, the only weapon they had none other than martial arts heritage that Debus.


Debus Attraction

Attractions are very dangerous we are familiar with Debus, Debus martial arts came from the al Madad.
The longer the martial arts is growing and growi up in all societies Of Banten as the art of entertainment to the public. 
The show is still very strong core martial arts or self-defense movements and use of weapons. Debus arts offers are widely used and focus on a person's immunity to attack players sharps, and a kind of sharp weapon is called the Debus.
This art grown and evolved since hundreds of years ago, along with the development of Islamic religion in Banten. In a begin this art has a function as the spread of religion, but in Dutch colonization and despair during the reign of Sultan Agung Tirtayasa. This martial art is used to evoke the spirit of fighters and the people who made offerings against Dutch colonialism. Because at that time the power is very uneven, the Dutch who have guns are very complete and sophisticated.
Continues to the fighters and the people's offerings, the only weapon they had none other than martial arts heritage that Debus.

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