It was not just men who like to smoke, women also and the number of female smokers increased from year to year. And impacts for women who smoke are more dangerous than men. Women smokers are also easily attacked by the disease, because cigarettes contain toxins that can damage the body. Substance in cigarette can inhibit oxygen in the blood. Lack of oxygen can cause lung damage and lung cancer. Smoking also causes impaired skin health such as moisture , softness,and firmness will be reduce. Women smokers will look old sooner than women who do not smoke,this is because the skin looks wrinkled. Negative consequences of smoking in women also have an impact on the female reproductive system,may experience infertility, menstrual disorders, menopause more quickly, and pregnancy outside the womb.Another consequences easily attacked breast cancer, cervical cancer , shortness of breath,etc. And smoking can also be short a persons age ,the presence of a variety of negative consequences of smoking,then quit smoking for the health of your body.