Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Global Warming

In today's age, our earth is getting old and getting damage caused by our own actions such as building skyscrapers, cutting down trees  in the wild, the melting of icebergs in the poles , rising sea levels etc. Thus by a result of Global Warming and natural disasters keep coming. Therefore, if not our generation that keep. Who else? Many thing can still be done to prevent the consequences of Global Warming, including :
1. Limit the use of paper
2. Replace light bulbs
3. Avoid Screen Saver
4. Check the tire pessure
5. Open The window widht
6. Use of organic fertilizers
7. Plant the bamboo grove
8. Taking public transportation
9. Eat less beef
10. Do not use plastic bags
11. Buying local products
12. Living efficient
13. Driving smart
14. Wear old clothes
Strating from now do the things listed above,for the benefit of us all.

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